Urushi and Family
The short documentary film “Urushi and Family” produced by Kamemura Yoshihiro of the video production/photo studio “STUDIO HORIZONT” in Kyoto has been released.
We previously worked with Kamemura-san on /suw (lacquer and wooden straws) and Bearswood Project. While working on them, they often touched upon Tsutsumi Takuya's relationship with lacquer, which led to this production.
Lacquer that Japanese people have used and connected since the Jomon period, lacquer shops connected to them from my grandfather Asayoshi, and every day they are able to run amidst many connections. Our lives may be fleeting in the midst of a trend that has continued since 10,000 years ago, but it is an important scene. That frame by frame will lead to the next era again.
A type of lacquerware shop with various families and jobs
I would be happy if many people saw it. Please take a look.
From the introduction of the “STUDIO HORIZONT” work
Urushi (lacquer) is attracting attention as an “ethical” material. Tsutsumi Takuya, the fourth generation lacquer shop that handles lacquer, was born as the eldest son to the Tsutsumi family, which runs a lacquer shop, and grew up receiving a lot of love from his grandfather. I succeeded a lacquer shop, and when I was in a position to have a son myself, as the amount of lacquer produced in Japan declined with the times, various conflicts arose between the family and lacquer.
Starring Tsutsumi Takuya, Tsutsumi Ayako, Tsutsumi Tetsuta, Tsutsumi Kaede
Photo cooperation Tsutsumi Asayoshi Lacquer Shop, Craft Forest, Yoshida Woodwork
Director Yoshihiro Kamemura
Documentary film @2022